Manage authorized users

Add or remove users on your credit card account.

Manage authorized users

Add or remove users on your credit card account.

If you are the primary cardholder on an account, you can easily give another person permission to make purchases and manage other account features. This added person is called an authorized user. They get their own card but aren't responsible for payments.

Add an authorized user to your account

To add or view authorized users on your account, follow the directions on the manage users page. You'll need to have some personal information about the user handy like their date of birth and social security number.

Remove an authorized user from your account

Removing a person from your account is just as easy as adding someone in most cases. On the manage users page, select the user you'd like to delete and confirm it with one click.


You won’t be able to remove a person who jointly opened an account with you (known as a joint cardholder). However, if you would like to prevent further charges from posting to your account and restrict usage of the card, call us at 1-800-955-7070.