Meet the digital tools that look out for you and your money

Who wouldn’t love easier ways to manage finances all in one place? 

Luckily, the Capital One Mobile app has innovative digital tools that make it easy to keep tabs on your money and take control of your spending.

Key takeaways

  • Your Capital One credit card comes packed with great tools to help make spending and managing your money easier.1
  • The Capital One Mobile app helps you keep track of where your money is going.
  • Cardholders can access innovative new digital tools that let you view and block recurring bills and subscriptions in one place.2
  • Virtual cards help you feel safer when shopping online by not exposing your actual card number.
Three illustrations of the Capital One Mobile app on a smartphone.

Upcoming bills & subscription charges

How many subscriptions charge you at the beginning of the month versus the end? Are you still paying for that old gym membership? Which bills are due next week? 

It’s a lot to keep track of. But the Capital One Mobile app can give you a snapshot of upcoming bills and subscriptions, including expected charge amounts and dates. 

It’s a way to get real-time insights into where your money is going. And seeing your recurring bills in one place makes it easier to do things like block subscription charges from select merchants and stay on budget. 

How do I monitor upcoming bills & subscription charges? 

Here’s how you can monitor your upcoming bills in the Capital One Mobile app:

  1. Sign in and tap on your credit card account. 
  2. If you have recurring charges due in the next two weeks, you’ll see the three with the nearest estimated due dates and their charge amounts in the Upcoming Bills section above your recent transactions. 

Estimates are based on previous charges, so you may see differences between what’s in the app and the amount and date that you’re actually charged, and Capital One might not catch every one.

If you want to see a full list of your recurring bills and subscription charges, including annual bills that might have slipped your mind, here’s how to do it:

  1. Tap on View All in the Upcoming Bills section. 
  2. You’ll see a list of your bills and subscriptions.
An image of the Upcoming Bills screen with three bills and their charge amounts listed.

Block recurring charges

Now you know what bills you have coming up. But what can you do about unwanted subscription charges? The app helps you take control. 

You can block—and unblock—select upcoming charges in a few simple steps. So while you’re finding the time to cancel unused subscriptions for good with the merchant, you can get peace of mind knowing that you won’t be charged in the meantime.

How do I block recurring charges?

Here’s how you can block recurring charges in the Capital One Mobile app:

  1. Sign in and tap on your credit card account.
  2. Tap on View All in the Upcoming Bills section to see an extended list of your bills and subscriptions.
  3. Find the merchant you want to block and tap the three dots next to the recurring charge or subscription. 
  4. Select Block Future Charges.
  5. A pop-up will appear from the bottom of the screen. After looking it over, tap the red button that says Block future charges.
  6. Another pop-up will appear confirming your choice. This merchant charge will now appear on your Bills & Subscriptions page under “Blocked.”

Keep in mind that by blocking a charge, you are not canceling the subscription. You’ll still need to go to the merchant directly to manage your account. But you can take comfort knowing your Capital One account won’t be charged in the meantime.

A GIF of the Block future charges pop-up.

How do I unblock charges? 

Changed your mind and want to allow a subscription or recurring charge that you previously blocked? No problem. Here’s how you can unblock charges:

  1. Sign in to the app and tap on your credit card account.
  2. Tap on View All in the Upcoming Bills section to see an extended list of your bills and subscriptions.
  3. Go to the Blocked section at the bottom of the page.
  4. Tap on the three dots icon next to the merchant you want to allow again. 
  5. A pop-up will appear from the bottom of the screen. Select Allow.
  6. Another pop-up will appear to confirm your choice. 

If your subscription is still active with the merchant, it will appear in Bills & Subscriptions. But unblocking charges won’t change your account status with the merchant itself or renew services if they were canceled separately.

Virtual card

Your virtual card gives you a fast, convenient way to check out at your favorite online merchants without needing to get up and find your wallet every time. 

Plus, virtual cards can help you feel safer shopping online by not exposing your actual card number. 

Think of a virtual card as a substitute for your actual credit card that’s always at your fingertips in the mobile app. A virtual card has its own 16-digit card number, expiration date and three-digit security code that’s different from your actual card number. And your virtual card number stays the same even if you replace your physical card.

The virtual card is still linked to your credit card account, but it lets you use a different card number to fill out payment information when you shop online. This means your actual card number is never exposed to the websites where you shop. Plus, there’s no additional cost to use a virtual card.

How do I use a virtual card?

Here’s how you can access your virtual card on the Capital One Mobile app

  1. Sign in, then under your credit card balance, tap Get Your Virtual Card. Not seeing this button? Tap on your credit card account and under Recent Transactions, tap Virtual Card.
  2. After a quick security check, you’ll see the key card details you need to check out online: your virtual card number, expiration date and three-digit security code.

From there, you can copy your virtual card number and use it anywhere you shop online. You can also save your virtual card with your favorite online merchants for quicker, easier checkouts. 

Plus, you can add your virtual card to subscriptions and other recurring charges so you won’t have to update your payment info if your actual card number changes.

A GIF showing someone’s screen as they copy their virtual card information.

How do I add my virtual card to online merchants?

Here’s how to add your card to online merchants using the Capital One Mobile app:

  1. After you tap Get Your Virtual Card, you’ll see a list of suggested merchants.
  2. Tap on the merchant where you want to save your card. You may be directed to the merchant’s website to finish the process.
  3. If you don’t see a merchant you’re looking for, don’t worry. You can still copy your virtual card number and enter or save it manually when you check out on their website. 

With your account added, you’re ready to earn the same Capital One rewards and shop with the same security features as always. 

The mobile app screen showing how to add a virtual card to an online merchant.

Capital One Mobile app FAQs

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the Capital One Mobile app and its digital tools

Can everyone access these tools?

For now, the tools described above are only available to a limited set of customers who use the iOS or Android Mobile App. Capital One is continuously expanding access to these tools, and soon there will be even more features to explore, too. 

Are these tools available at

The virtual card feature is also available on the Capital One website. The other tools described in this article are available exclusively in the mobile app. 

Is blocking a subscription charge the same as canceling a subscription?

No, blocking a charge is not that same as canceling a subscription. You’ll still need to cancel any subscriptions you don’t want with the merchant. 

But after blocking a charge, Capital One will block recurring charges from the merchant while you’re finding time to cancel for good. Note that the merchant may hold you responsible for charges even if they’re blocked. 

How long can you block charges from a recurring subscription?

The block will remain in effect until you reverse it. Check out the next question to learn more about unblocking charges.

Can you unblock charges?

You can allow previously blocked charges in the mobile app by following the directions in the section above titled “How Do I Unblock Charges?” You can also allow previously blocked charges by clicking the link in the confirmation email you received from Capital One when you initially blocked the charge.

Why can some merchants be blocked but not others?

Capital One can only block certain merchants from charging your credit card, but Capital One is adding more merchants all the time. Once a merchant with recurring charges is identified, you can block charges through the mobile app.

Are there subscription charges that can’t be blocked?

If you use a service like Google Pay, PayPal or another digital wallet to pay for your subscription, Capital One may not be able to block charges for that subscription. 

Are there other types of virtual cards from Capital One?

Yes, beyond the virtual cards for universal use described above that let you shop anywhere online, there are also virtual cards for specific stores. These are available through the Eno browser extension, Google Chrome and Android apps using Google Pay.3

Do I have to pay to use a virtual card? 

There’s no additional cost to use a virtual card.

Get the Capital One Mobile app

There are so many ways to keep tabs on your finances and manage your credit card with the Capital One Mobile app. In addition to the tools above, there’s also: 

  • Statements: Access your statements and view transactions right at your fingertips. 
  • Notifications: Customize alerts and notifications so you can stay in the loop with your account wherever you are. 
  • Account activity: Stay on top of your spending and view enhanced transactions in real time. 
  • Card lock: Instantly lock and unlock your card in just a few taps if it’s ever misplaced, lost or stolen. 
  • CreditWise from Capital One: Monitor your credit for free without hurting your scores with CreditWise.
  • Eno, your Capital One assistant: Accidentally paid for something twice? Your Capital One assistant, Eno, looks out for these things and will alert you when detected. 

Ready to get started? Text “GET” to 80101 and Capital One will send you the app.4 Or use the banner below.

Money management on the go

Get the Capital One Mobile app to save time and stay informed.

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Article | January 26, 2021 |8 min read